The importance of technology with healthcare

on Monday, July 26, 2010

Technology has impacted the understanding of Internal body Systems, in a highly positive manner. As its benefited in health care, health administration, hospitals and alternative care delivery systems. There has been an enormous impact on the health care industry, as capital requirements to purchase different types of technology would increase so that the pressure on personnel would be reduced significantly. Knowing this computers and robots will play a key role in transforming the amount of health care personnel today, and thus impacting our health care costs because there will a continue of improvement in productivity. With the availability of this sophisticated technology, future doctors and surgeons will have a greater appreciation for what technology can offer.

There are many devices that benefit us now such as; Large digital files containing x-ray, CT, ultra-sound or MRI scans of a patient can be shared in real-time, regardless of location. Patient records can be quickly accessed at a patient's bedside with a PDA or tablet PC. Pictures of a patient's injuries can be forwarded by paramedics from an accident site to help emergency hospital personnel assess and prepare for treatment while the patient is enroute to the hospital. Real-time remote diagnosis of stroke victims can allow neurologist to asses the patient's status and prescribe medications more quickly. Healthcare facilities can also benefit by investing in innovations such as intelligent hospital networks powered by high-speed, mobile broadband technologies like WiFi, Mesh, WiMAX, HSDPA and EV-DO. These technologies support real-time communications and bandwidth-hungry mobile applications like video. Therefore, the importance of technology to Understand Internal Body Systems, is significant as it will impact us in the future and now.

In Conclusion, one thing is for certain as Technology provides us with a a model to better under stand Internal Body Structure and its process. Personally, I believe at this rate of rapid improvement we will experience dramatic changes that will benefit us down the road. As doctors will be more dependent on various types of devices to control and preform tasks with ease, as human care will be provided for with the assistance of technology via robotic engineering.

"Technology is going to provide our incredibly stressed healthcare system with a chance to heal itself. By simplifying time-consuming processes and eliminating some of the major causes of medical errors, technology will ensure the right skill level and right cost structure is in place to provide the best care effectively and efficiently. Nortel brings critical technologies in high-speed networking, mobility, and new collaborative communications capabilities that can deliver clinical and business solutions in this market."
- Phil Edholm, Chief Technologist and VP Architecture, Nortel Enterprise

A technology seen as completely unrelated as bluetooth is now being introduced into healthcare as a communication source between doctors and patients:

List of Works Cited:

"Technology’s impact on Healthcare ". Nortel. .

"Between technology and humanity: the impact of technology on health care ethics". .

Designer babies? SAY WHAT?!?!

on Sunday, June 6, 2010

“Designer babies” is the term being used by the media to describe the future of modifying or selecting our children’s genes for desirable characteristics (medical and cosmetic). Are things getting out of hand with our research into genetic processes? In this blog investigate social and ethical implications of this research and technologies that have been developed from it.

The makeup of a child’s genetic profile is one of the few miracles of life and should not be tampered or altered with because of somebody’s wants and needs for their “perfect” child. Every baby is perfect in their own way, and if we alter with them we really take away all their individuality and replace it with our own ideal image. Our children’s unique qualities are what truly make them special; they are a gift from God which we need to embrace.

All the pleasant or even funny surprises that come with a child growing up are thrown out of the window swapped for preconceived artificial characteristics. In a way, these children became children of science rather than our own children. Thrown away are the little stubby nose or butt chin that allowed people to see the similarities between the children and the parents, people are no longer able to say “oh yeah she definitely gets that from her mother” or “he looks so much like his father”. This engineering poses many ethical problems begging the question of whether or not we are playing God.

If a couple was meant to have a girl, and they sorted the sperm in order to have a male, we would be messing with what should have been. Now whether or not you believe in fate, you can see why there is a concern for this experimenting to stop.

A world where a couple will be able to look at a catalogue and design their perfect baby is not as far away as we think, and we need to decide if it’s ethical to make it possible before it actually happens. Let’s talk a little bit first about the embryos that aren’t found to be perfect by the prospective parents. Well if they’re not being born you can guess what’s happening with them. That’s right; they’re discarded because they weren’t perfect. Now there are a whole bunch of reasons that having an abortion is wrong, but sometimes they can be excused. An unfit teenage mother or a couple who is just not ready to have a child will have an abortion, and yes there are other options. This though, is not having an abortion because of a difficult situation, but rather discarding away an embryo because it does not fit the ideal characteristics that potential parents were looking for.

All in all, the makeup of a baby's genetic profile cannot ethically be altered because of a couple's need for perfection, tampering anything in this process would be playing God and therefore, wrong. Although this opinion doesn't mean very much, since genetic cataloging is a thing of the not so distant future, it's still my opinion of Designer Babies.

Check it out

Humans and the rainforests. Stewards? I don't think so.

on Saturday, January 23, 2010

Question: Many scientists consider humans as the most invasive species, as humans can greatly change an environment and impact living things that reside there. Are we being stewards of the world? Take a look at an issue in which human intervention has positively or negatively affected the biodiversity of our ecosystems.

Before humans began destroying the rainforests, they covered just over 15% of the earth’s land area. Many years later, they cover less than half of that at 7%. A hectare of the rainforest - compared to two football fields - is destroyed and torn down every two seconds. At this rate there will be no rainforest to speak of in 40 years or so. The deforestation of forests began as populations grew and the demands for the land occupied by the rainforests grew greater, and the need for forest products increased.

Tropical rainforests are found in 85 countries around the world, and are all located near the equator where the temperature stays above 27 Degrees Celsius year round. The rainforests are often described as earth’s lungs, as the tropical rainforests take in vast quantities of carbon dioxide and convert it into clean oxygen. As the rainforests disappear they take with them the single greatest source of air that we breathe.

The rainforest is full of diversity, many different species inhabiting it, many of whom cannot be found anywhere else on earth. Not only do the rainforests inhabit many different species of animals and plants, there are the indigenous people of the rainforests. In South East Asia and the Pacific Islands, people have lived in the forests for 40,000 years.

The rainforest diversity facts:

-A single rainforest reserve in Peru is home to more species of birds than the entire United States.

- a typical four-mile square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as 1,500 species of flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 125 mammal species, 400 species of birds, 100 species of reptiles, 60 species of amphibians, and 150 different species of butterflies.

The three major causes of deforestation are farming, ranching, and logging. The farmers in rainforest countries such as Brazil, Peru, or Indonesia are often poor and cannot buy land, instead they clear rainforest land to grow their crops. The soil in tropical rainforests is so insufficient in nutrients, and farmers are unable to reuse the same land year after year. After the soil has been used up, the farmers move onto other areas of the rainforest, therefore destroying more of the rainforest every year.

The tearing down of rainforests causes carbon dioxide to be released, which allows the greenhouse effect to occur. The greenhouse effect raises temperatures globally, and is the main reason for the melting of ice caps. The melting of the ice caps raises the sea level and causes major flooding around the world.

Stewards of the earth? We are destroying the earth piece by piece every year, not only the earth but one of the only thing allowing us to breathe clean oxygen. We are not stewards of the earth, and we're affecting it negatively than any other species ever could.

If you want to see some of the amazing beauty within the rainforests, this video is great:

Watch it in HD!

"Rainforest Facts." Save The Rainforest. Web. 24 Jan. 2010. .

"Rainforest Facts :: Environmental Facts :: Young People's Trust for the Environment." Young People's Trust for the Environment - Information for Kids on Climate change and other environmental facts and charities. Web. 24 Jan. 2010. .

"The Rainforests: IV. Destruction of the Rainforest." Dave's Site / Web. 24 Jan. 2010. .

First Bio Entry

on Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is a Bio blog

For bio class.
Sounds great.